Péter G. Szalay
professor of chemistry, head of department

Academic Memberships:
Academia Europaea - elected member since 2022
International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences - elected member since 2019
European Academy of Sciences and Arts - elected member since 2019
Department of Physical Chemistry
Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry
- 2001: Doctor Habil degree in chemistry, Eötvös University, Budapest
- 1999: D.Sc. (doctor of sciences) degree in chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 1991: C.Sc. (Candidate of Sciences) degree in chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 1989: Ph.D. degree in chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria with Prof. H Lischka
- 1986: M.Sc. degree in chemistry, Eötvös University, Budapest with Prof. G. Fogarasi
E-mail, phone and address
e-mail: szalay@chem.elte.hu
phone: (+36 1) 372-2931 or 372-2700 ext. 1631
fax: (+36 1) 372-2592
address: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Hungary